Situxi knew in his eyes that he had stayed up all night, but he couldn’t say anything. He patted him on the shoulder and greeted Liu Qingming himself and led the doctor into the bedroom.

After the examination, it was a common cold and fever. The doctor gave Xia Xiaozhou an injection and left a few packs of medicine. Before leaving, he slightly condemned Situxi and said, The patient is in poor health. It is better to control sexual intercourse these days, otherwise it will be bad for the patient’s recovery.
Situxi was embarrassed and turned to Liu Qingming with a malicious smile. Brother Xi isn’t it? It’s still so … Sisterinlaw is so weak, you’d better take it easy! Obviously, the cause of Xia Xiaozhou’s illness is wrong.
Although Xia Xiaozhou did get sick last night, he was so careless by Lu Qingming, especially when he talked about the love situation. Situ Xi still would give him a hard stare and said, Shut up!
Liu Qingming smirked and said that Gao Xuan stepped forward and coldly interrupted him. Stop talking nonsense and have business to discuss. At this moment, he is just like Situxi, and once a man has suppressed the fire, there are two possibilities, either to find a female person or to vent his anger by violence. The first possibility is impossible for him now, so there is only the second possibility. He can’t wait for those people he doesn’t like to vent his anger!
Seeing that Situxi and Gao Xuan are both very bad, Lu Qingming became serious and asked, What do you want to do? He didn’t know that Xia Xiaozhou was treated as medicine when Situ Xi was cut off his wrist for this time. He wanted to make a new enemy and an old hatred together, for fear that the day would not be chaotic!
Situxi flexed his slender fingers and knuckles, one knocked on the coffee table, and the corners of his mouth smiled very coldly. I will wish the old men all out of Haize, and I will also take a thirty percent stake in Vida.
Lu Qingming frowned. As far as I know, Feng Liyuan’s hand is only 35% of Weida’s shares. Brother Xi, do you want to get a 40% chance to drive Feng out of Weida? Feng Liyuan is the old fogies of Haize who secretly supported the attempt to overthrow Situxi by hand, but the person is not as simple as the latter.
Situxi smiled grimly. Feng Liyuan is really a character to be reckoned with, and he may not be unaware of our intentions; we get what we want; Secondly, I just want him to taste the fear of being squeezed by Vida eo at any time, and then let him taste that every proposal he makes may be rejected, and he may be angry and nai!
How to fuck with a body? Liu Qingming and Gao Xuanqi asked
Situxi looked at Liu Qingming. I don’t want to see come now. I’m afraid I can’t help but kill him! Go to him later and tell him that I’ll give him a chance to make amends. If I screw up my new account and old account, I’ll count them together. I said, Lin Feng’s father has a 15% stake in Haize. You let him go to Zhu Laoren. They said that he wants to buy enough shares and plan to take this opportunity to pull me out at once. After all, I have a 15% stake in my hand and hate me at this time. Whether she will support me or not is still unknown. It is the best chance to kick me out of the board of directors.
Liu Qingming nodded with a dignified face. Brother Xi can rest assured that I will convey the exact words to come.
Situxi looked at Gao Xuan again. Come to lobby and wish the old man that the securities company should go out at the same time.
Gao Xuan understood, I don’t understand. Let the securities company fuck and control our stock price to create a low mystery illusion. At the same time, I will speculate on the stock price of Weida and add that I am afraid that the old man will not be tempted. Wait until the old man is tempted to sell his shares before lowering the stock price of Weida. We will take the opportunity to buy it at a low price and let them both fall! Brother Xi, rest assured that I will contact our securities company later.
Three men in the living room were discussing it in full swing, and Xia Xiaozhou in the bedroom finally woke up. She was awakened by thirst. She had some strength to open her eyes and stare at the ceiling. There was a feeling that her head was very painful and her body was very painful …
It took her a long time to realize that she belonged to her and Situxi’s family, and her mouth was more thirsty.
She tried to sit up and want to bed to find water to drink, but only when she was all over like being run over by a car did she feel pain falling apart. She could defeat lying back and clearing her throat and calling the name Situxi wants to drink water … She was not sure that he was not at home at the moment, so she didn’t hold out much hope.
At that time, Situxi was discussing some details of the acquisition with Gao Xuanlu Qingming, and their voices were very low. Xia Xiaozhou called one or three men and they all heard it.
Situxi busy stopped wait for me is almost the words sound just fell and disappeared in the sight of the other two people.
Gao Xuan looked at his back and silently withdrew himself. After hearing Xia Xiaozhou’s voice, he could also lean out and bow his head and secretly smile. He was not qualified to ask whether she was good or bad, was he?
Situxi quickly folded out and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, then threw wait for me for a while and went back to the bedroom.
桑拿论坛Slow down, slow down, don’t choke … Looking at Xia Xiaozhou’s shoulder on his own, after a long drought, he shoveled and almost wolfed down water. Situxi patted her back with some love.
Xia Xiaozhou drank a whole glass of water and was not so thirsty. He breathed a sigh of relief before he had the strength to ask, Didn’t you go to the company today? By the way, what’s wrong with me? My body hurts to death and I have no strength at all.
Situxi looked at her as if she hadn’t remembered what happened last night. She didn’t have much sex. She said, You’re sick and have a fever, so you’re weak. I’ve called a doctor to come home and give you an injection. You’ll get better soon. By the way, are you hungry? I’ve been through rice congee. Do you want to eat some?
Xia Xiaozhou didn’t want to sleep at all. He shook his head. I’ll sleep for a while and stop eating. He closed his eyes again under the covers.
Well, then you have a good sleep and I won’t bother you. I’ll just call me outside if you want anything. Situxi leaned over and kissed her forehead and twisted her horn before she went out softly.
Gao Xuan saw that Situ Xi came out and endured it, but he didn’t hold back and asked, Is she … is she all right? There is a flash at the bottom of the eye.
Situxi smiled, It’s all right, it’s just that I’m tired and feel like sleeping all over. I paused and deliberately teased, Qingming is right, so I have to go easy.
Gao Xuan’s eyes were dim and he quickly changed the subject. Where were you just now?
Liu Qingming always feels that today Situxi and Gao Xuanxiang get along strangely. Although they seem to be as close as usual, both of them try to avoid eye contact with each other, even if they come into contact with each other, they immediately stagger what misunderstanding they have. They are intentional and say that they are one, so they deliberately follow Gao Xuanhua’s words. When it comes to Weida’s current financial situation, it seems to be very chaotic, but the stock market is even more inflated. This kind of love situation should be no problem for the securities company to get off the horse, but I am sure it is not convenient to come forward when it comes to legal
Three people and discuss for a while Gao Xuanhe Liu Qingming left in accordance with the plan to their busy.
Situxi didn’t go back to the bedroom until they were all gone. Still, he gently held Xia Xiaozhou in his arms. After all, too many things happened in these two days, but he didn’t expect to fall asleep almost as soon as he got a pillow.
When he woke up, it was already evening, and Xia Xiaozhou was still sleeping. Fortunately, his forehead was no longer hot.
He thought that she hadn’t eaten all day, and even if she was forced to wake up later, she would have to eat something, so he got out of bed and went into the kitchen to cook dinner with the ingredients in the refrigerator
Wait until the dinner is ready Xia Xiaozhou is still not awake. Situxi hesitated for a line of sex to carry her to the sofa in the living room, put the food on the tea table spoon and feed her with a mouthful of food.
Later, Xia Xiaozhou woke up and took the spoon himself. After eating a few mouthfuls, he tilted into his arms and fell asleep again.
Situxi sighed and took her back to the bed. He would eat something and take a bath, and then he took his notes into the bedroom while guarding Xia Xiaozhou and got busy with business.
In the middle of the night, Xia Xiaozhou finally woke up completely and finally thought of last night. Of course, it was inevitable to think of Gao Xuan’s eyes full of tender feelings. After her heart became complicated, how could she get along with him again?
And should she tell SiTuXi? The idea just flashed and she immediately ruled out their two feelings. It is unusual to say that no one can leave anyone. In case there is any bad blood because of her, she is simply guilty. It is best to pretend not to know feelings. Maybe Gao Xuan will soon figure it out? She asked herself that she really had nothing particularly attractive!
Just as she was trying to get a surprise, she was caught in a hot chest with one arm and whispered to Situ Xi, Does your head still hurt? The big hand touched her forehead and felt that the temperature there was normal before she breathed a sigh of relief.
Xia Xiaozhou remembered that Stuart Pianpian hadn’t woken up, but he had been with him all the time, and he didn’t know what was going on at Stuart’s mansion. Pianpian woke up? What if you stay at home all the time? Are those rumors and rumors’ handled’?
Situxi rubbed her hair. Why are you so sick? Let’s have a good rest. Seeing her, Baba looked at herself and thought about when she said that we should be honest with each other, so she briefly answered a question. I got a message from Gao Xuan last night, and she was awake before. She looked calm and looked after by Jishu and others. There should be nothing wrong with those media bodies. Don’t worry.
Is she really calm? Xia Xiaozhou’s deputy attention was paid to Stuart Pianpian’s body, but she didn’t notice the strange tone when Stuart went to Gao Xuanshi. She was really worried that Stuart Pianpian would have any shock trip again. Then she can’t have a cry, make two noises and hang three things to fight with her, can she? The most painful thing at that time will be Situxi!
Situxi thought about it and said, I said a few harsh words when I left last night … She looked very calm at that time. Today, when I called during the day, I also said that she had nothing to do with the shock ,but she cooperated with the doctor. I will go there and talk to her again tomorrow. There should be nothing more.
Xia Xiaozhou is not as optimistic as he is, but there is really no better way to nod now. I hope it can be as you said. He found a comfortable position in his arms and planned to take a nap for a while.
I heard another voice from Stuart. If one day I leave Haize and there is no more, will you regret it with me? If Stuart Pianpian doesn’t change his original intention after going through this incident, then leaving Haize will be his only choice.
Didn’t good the spirit didn’t answer the rhetorical question, didn’t you say that you can afford to support yourself and your wife without Heise? Are you lying to me? I can tell you that I won’t support my family. You have to support my generation whether you like it or not!
The answer is selfevident. Situxi laughed low. Of course, I can afford to raise another ten people …
Ten people are beautiful! Xia Xiaozhou bit his other bump, and when he gasped in pain, he hated to let go. You have proposed to me and I have promised you that you can have me in your life. If you dare to go behind my back and find another woman to watch me bite you to death! Therefore, behind the fierceness, it is really because I know that he feels bad in the past two days. How can she make him happy and happy in this way?
Her mind is white. How can her mind not be white?
Section 45
He can hold her in his arms tightly without leaving a gap …
After breakfast in the morning, Xia Xiaozhou went out to return to the company class. Situxi wanted to think about it and didn’t stop her from driving her to the company building before she diverted to Stuart’s mansion.
When he arrives, Stuart is leaning on a pillow and being fed by a servant to drink soup. Don’t look away when you see him come in.

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