
However, not all kings are as steadfast as Varian Wrynn in supporting Terenas and supporting the envoy sent by Lordaeron to the Kingdom of Gilneas. After he finally met King Jean Gremaine of Gilneas, the conceited king did not hesitate to reject Terenas’ proposal.
Telling Terenas Gilneas that he has really withdrawn from the alliance, we are an independent country now, and we will no longer listen to any plague or natural disaster sent by him, which is not our family affairs.
The emissary quickly said, But King Jean’s natural disaster threat this time is more than the invasion of the former orcs. You have participated in the war, and you should know that if we can’t all unite, we will be broken one by one!
Jean sneered, Don’t worry about it. Even if Lordaeron breaks Gilneas, it won’t fall. I’ll just build the Gremaine wall. No army can break that magnificent barrier at this moment!
The emissary tried to persuade him again, but Gene didn’t give him a chance. He waved to the guards to carry the emissary out. The other side was still eagerly pleading with the king to show a mocking look. Terenas, you just swallowed us up once and won the victory together. Now it’s time for you to swallow the consequences alone!
He worried his proud son Liam Gremaine and asked, Father, shall we do this?
There is nothing wrong! King Jean’s voice was filled with anger. When an orc invaded, we in Gilneas shed blood and sweat, but in the end, the land of Outlak was swallowed up by that despicable Terenas! His own political means are very high and good. Now let him go to political means with those natural disasters and the undead!
Liam’s words are awkward. The king is communicating with France. He has suppressed his persuasion ideas. In fact, he is also very aware of his father’s character. He will never be persuaded to go back after he has made up his mind.
At this moment, Highlord Darius Crowley broke in and stared at King Jean Avenue. King, I saw your guards drive out the Alliance emissary!
That’s right! Jean frowned and was very dissatisfied with Darius’s intrusion without telling her. You look a little disrespectful to my Lord.
I apologize for my rudeness, but Darius stared at his king. I think the alliance emissary is right. This natural disaster is a common disaster of mankind and even the whole of Azeroth. We can’t just sit idly by!
I don’t need you to teach me what to do! Now get out of here! Gene growled and asked his guards to kick this reckless and disrespectful Lord out, just like he just did to the alliance envoy. What a rotten bone! He made no secret of his dislike for that Lord.
Jean knows very well that Darius has always been the leader of the faction that resolutely opposes withdrawing from the alliance and has a good impression on the alliance. He even opposes King Jean’s proudest projectbuilding the Gremaine wall, and then opposing the gate to isolate Gilneas from other countries. He knows that he doesn’t like King Terenas and doesn’t welcome him to send an envoy, but he receives the envoy privately and then sends the envoy to his own palace for his own benefit.
Darius told him everywhere that if there was an opportunity to remove him from Darius’ post, he would definitely do it without hesitation!
Jean Gremaine doesn’t know that his proudest Gremaine wall isn’t as good as he thought, and he will pay a heavy price for his arbitrariness.
These are not what Jiang Weihan should worry about. What he is most concerned about now is his sacred transformation ceremony. Now that the ceremony platform has been completed and all the conditions needed for the ceremony have been achieved, the day he has been waiting for has finally arrived
Jiang Weihan nervously tidied up his clothes and then looked at Kyle next to him. Do I need to bathe, burn incense and fast for three days before the ceremony?
Burning incense and fasting. What is that? Angel asked curiously
Er, the preparations for some solemn activities in our hometown are simply vegetarianism and sacrifice!
What a strange movewe don’t need these for the ceremony, Zhi Xin replied.
After this period of time, Kyle’s two deputies gradually became familiar with Jiang Weihan’s character. He didn’t like holding a position, but he was willing to treat everyone as friends on an equal footing. Now they are gradually talking more.
Unfortunately, Kyle is still the same, and Jiang Weihan has never seen her take off her helmet for the third time.
However, Jiang Weihan firmly believes that Kayle The Judicator will no longer be ashamed to show his face.
It’s time for us to go. Kyle got up and headed for the outside.
When Jiang Weihan’s neck shrank, he always felt that this sounded like an ancient prisoner on death row who was beheaded, and the beheading officer spoke with some Mao Mao in his heart.
Today, Lux, Vayne and Quinn Xin Jide are not in Dunhold. After discovering the location of Ravenhold Manor, he made arrangements. Today is not only a day for him to perform the sacred transformation ceremony, but also a day to eliminate evil neighbors.
This action brought the Noxas camp, half the special police of the screaming snake army and Xin Jide to specially refine small gifts to deal with assassins. I think the action will be very smooth
Although the defense force around him is less than half, Jiang Weihan believes that no enemy can kill him under the protection of three angels.
They came near the ceremony platform, and the special police had cleared the area to prevent anyone from making trouble. After all, Ravenhold would continue to send assassins after the first assassination attempt failed, but they haven’t appeared in these two days, maybe they have already arrived, but they are looking for opportunities.
Maybe they will think that this ceremony will be an opportunity when it is performed?
Ps, lpl update is late, you know …
Chapter 43 Who is meaner than one?
Three angels, Kyle and Zhi Xin Yan, formed a perfect triangle in their respective columns. They held high their magic swords and closed their tips. Kyle sang the language of the eternal family, and a huge sacred force shuttled from her eternal country to this world, perfectly gathering at the tips of the swords.
The blazing holy light formed another small sun hanging over Jiang Weihan’s head. He tried to put his spirit as much as Kyle had told him before. Kyle sang with a sacred spiritual power to help him quickly enter another metaphysical realmjust like when he returned to the emerald dream. He felt that his conscious body was out of the dream reality, as if he were awake and dreaming, and his feelings disappeared.
He found himself in a strange world, and his consciousness extended to see several light spots converge towards a center, making it more dazzling and huge. He tried to catch those light spots consciously, but found that each light spot represented a memory fragment, mostly everything that happened before he was on the earth, but there were also others that he didn’t remember at all.
桑拿按摩  title=In a certain memory, he saw Kyle’s eternal country, which was suspended in a sky where there would never be night. Many angels like Kyle flapped their wings and flew freely, and hymns echoed in this light country forever.
In another clip, he saw Kyle’s angels fighting in a chaotic plane. Every time she waved her sinbreaking sword, all the enemies she looked at were reduced to ashes, and when she cut it, she split thousands of meters of cracks in the earth. At that time, Kyle was simply terrible, and in this memory, he also saw Mogana before she fell. She also chased and killed the demon creatures named by them
Jiang Weihan wanted to know more. He took the initiative to approach the source where several light spots gathered and opened his heart to it.
In reality, it is at this time that the tips of the three angels form a small sun, which is like melting, and the light gathers around Jiang Weihan, making him like a silkworm chrysalis in a golden cocoon.
Kyle stopped singing and all three angels withdrew their swords.
We made it.
It depends on the commander’s adult nature.

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