He jumped out without hesitation … at this time, he heard the sound and the guard rushed over, but the figure disappeared before the guard made a sound … It looked like he had entered the guard’s body, and then the guard directly looked at the messy cage in front of him and went out a little stiff …

The guard walked for a long time and even left the cage. The gatekeeper said hello, but it seemed that the guard didn’t notice these things … He left directly and left a few people who were puzzled about what the gatekeepers were discussing …
What the guards didn’t notice was that behind the guard, two transparent bodies were quietly following him …
But soon a surprising scene appeared …
The guard’s body burst in an instant, and blood and meat splashed around. Those passersby appeared all over from that body, covered with rags, hands and feet, and this broken chain. A short guy … She quickly headed for the city gate and shouted at the people around her … but there was no lack of courage to stop this strange guy.
But in front of that man’s paw, his body will instantly break into several pieces … it looks extremely bloody.
These ordinary people are finally no longer in the way … but those patrol members composed of undead skeletons are blocking this strange guy …
But the price is still very heavy … Those skeletons face such claws and roots from resisting such power … It seems that ordinary people can’t have power … and at this time.
The two figures behind him also felt … a heroic atmosphere is slowly forming in this guy … is there a second male hero in this world?
No.347 Meng huskar Neikes
When updated, 215521 9239 words 332
Because of Crobel Ruth and her party, five people became a party of six people … Come to Crobel Ruth, there is no place to be alone, not to mention that when Ji met her, all human beings were scared away by her …
But if you think about it carefully, if you see a girl jumping off a cliff in front of you and then appearing in front of you after a while … you will certainly be scared away, right?
She didn’t refuse when Zhao Yi asked Berberi Ruth to join her team. Besides, Zhao Yi is also a person who helps guide her! Crobel Ruth also wants to repay her kindness …
What do you want to change back to the original … it looks so scary? Azraes casually said to Crobel Ruth. After getting along with each other for a while, they all knew that it was normal to have less younger sister and less Zhao Yi’s words. The effect was really good, except that she was inexplicably going from human to the most blue skin …
Crobel Ruth didn’t mind turning a circle, and the long black and purple skirt turned a circle to look good.
Actually … I’m used to this … and I can save unnecessary trouble.
That’s true … when others look at your face, it’s so beautiful! I just wanted to get close to you, but when I look at your body, I know you are not simple … unless you are a man with heavy tastes and hobbies, it’s not the same …
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your body … but can you sound stronger in your way of speaking? Zhao Yi is a little naive … Crobel Ruth’s way of speaking is very wonderful, and she can also say it in a way that is halfdead and dying … and there is also a point that this tone sounds like a feeling of inactivity … even the listener will be affected to some extent.
Can’t …
Well, you won. By the way, we are going to discuss things with the boss of Buried Land this time. I hope you will behave yourself, ok?
I’ve always been very quiet …
Zhao Yi shuddered at Crobel Ruth’s words, but she didn’t say much. After all, listening to her really hurt …
Zhao Yi, look ahead! At this time, Akasha interrupted Zhao Yi’s paranoia by talking, and Zhao Yi also noticed … There was indeed some commotion at the gate of the buried ground …
From Zhao Yi, we can see that many people are stuck at the city gate, but from the inside, it seems that someone is forcibly breaking through, but from where it keeps retreating, it seems that … it must be unstoppable …
And there is heroic flavor … Is it a buried hero or a hero who wants to break through? … Zhao Yi plans temporarily or stays put, after all, the situation is not good …
Let’s wait for the opportunity. It’s best not to move … lie down? Zhao Yi saw some wonderful scenes. Those guys who don’t know whether the undead or the inferno are beating up a very thin guy … Although that thin guy Kiki can let ordinary people die, he has also added a lot of scars …
Why? Do you want to start work? Aside Akasha asked that the other women also took out their weapons one after another, but Zhao Yi waved his hand. He thought the scene was a little strange … The fact is that it is irrational not to tell who is in charge of the situation … But Zhao Yi really wants to win over the heroes, otherwise there is no way out …
Wait … heroic breath that little guy is a younger sister? ! !” It’s really too much to think of my sister plus a thin body, wounds and rags …
Then Akasha died … one flashed in front of those people, and then all those infernos flew out when they screamed in pain … This was still Akasha’s failure to contribute, and the short figure who was besieged together was a little stunned and looked at Akasha in front of him.
Hurry up Akasha said coldly because there is a very exaggerated heroic atmosphere behind that figure
品茶论坛  title=The queen of pain! Do you dare to interfere with my burial? With a roar, a female figure jumped to the wall.
This woman is covered with light blue body muscles, and the bimodal bandage on her chest is very exaggerated. Her body is quite crude, covering her arms and shoulders with flaming red armor. A long red braid hangs behind her head, and her left hand is holding a sharplooking bone spear. On the right hand side is a white bone dagger, but her face is covered with dried blood, which looks very seeping … Her head is also wrapped in a bone helmet, but this helmet does not mean to cover other people … So her face full of flavor is also seen by everyone.
Huskar! Zhao Yi and daughters also jumped out very quickly. At this time, the little figure was fearless and looked like a wild animal demonstration toward huskar.
But huskar looked at the guy over there with a dignified face and looked at the Queen of Pain in front of him … Buried land and undercity have always been bad things, and the Queen of Pain must have something to come here this time … but what do you mean by hitting people here?
Huskar is good at fighting, but not good at thinking about these complicated things. She slammed her foot behind the demon. Go and get some other people for me! Then the demon flew away …
The Queen of Pain is smiling at huskar. We’re not here to fight. My husband doesn’t like you bullying a child to help. If we really want to make trouble, those people would have died.
Your husband? Huskar has some doubts.
At this time, Zhao Yi went to actually, I … we are here to talk to the King of Skeletons about something troublesome in the mainland … can this little guy get away with it?
Don’t talk to me about these things … I’m responsible for bringing the escaped prisoner back … and we don’t remember when she was arrested, but I’m investigating the other two fugitives! Must be brought back! This whole thing is buried in dignity! Huskar looked indignant. She remembered the scene where the two figures killed the King of Skeletons in public … It was a shame!
Those two fugitives are …
Bounty hunters and stealth assassins!
Huskar dialect makes Zhao Yi a little stupidly, but if you think about it carefully … According to the style of those two people, it is either who gave the money to assassinate it … But it is meaningless if the King of Skeletons assassinated her …
Aside akasha is quietly gather together ? Things have become a little complicated …
Zhao Yi gently shook his head and said, It’s okay. Now we don’t know that those two people are left behind. It’s very likely that they are around us, but let’s leave this matter for the time being. Anyway, let’s discuss the alliance first. If they are around, they should understand what I mean.
Zhao Yi now also hopes that the two younger sisters will not be silly. If they jump out at this time, the doubt will put him in a very awkward position … Although he doesn’t mind a fight anyway, the array here is so good … but it doesn’t need to be too entangled to handle things well, right? Of course, if the two sisters really suppress their emotions … even if they do, they won’t say much.
Akasha gently nodded his head, and then the daughters kept silent.
Do you know where those two people are? Huskar looked at whispering two people also feel a little uncomfortable.
Well … bounty hunters and stealth assassins have to do is ask her if she knows. Even if she doesn’t know, she doesn’t need to chase after them like this, right? One more thing, we are here to talk about things with the Skull King, not to fight with so many people, but to meet a hero and bring her back …
Do you dare to say that what Zhao Yi said is not true? It’s a pity that huskar doesn’t believe in anyone, but this is fate, who let them stay in the city every day?
Hey, kid, do you know those two people? Huskar stared at one side some at a loss guy …
Poor little figure was miserable when she was besieged. huskar was so scared that she stepped back several steps. But after seeing Zhao Yi’s gentle eyes, she had no reason to calm down and then silently shook her head.
And this time Zhao Yi is also an interface. Those two people will definitely be invisible. You want to catch those two people without antihidden props … It’s really …
Zhao Yi was a little helpless, but huskar understood Zhao Yi’s meaning and frowned …
What, you knew they would be invisible?
Because … actually, I’ve seen them before. Besides, the name has an assassin. Which one won’t be invisible? Zhao Yi wants to be invisible except the Phantom Assassin … But the Phantom Assassin’s ability is too exaggerated. If he can still be invisible, he will be enemies …
Huskar seemed white and nodded his head.
That’s the truth … well, then come in with me. Anyway, you also have something to talk about. It’s not appropriate to hang it outside. huskar said and was ready to lead the people into the buried ground
However, Zhao Yi looked at the little girl. What’s your name?
Name …? The little girl felt a little inarticulate, but her memory has been awakened by the wizard’s consciousness, so she clearly said her name Neikes …
Hey … you are Neikes? Soul eater? Zhao Yi was a little surprised. I didn’t expect this guy to be a soul eater …
This name is not nice …
Well, I’ll call you Neikes.
Are you going? Huskar some impatient sound came Zhao Yi this just ready to go in.
But a more heroic sound came out not far away and stopped everyone.
It’s that male hero again … it’s been a long time. Have you finally figured out that you want to be my princess?
The 340th Meng battle is on the verge.
When updated, 215521 17173 words 3393

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