Where’s Lu Bu? Li Ling hasn’t found Lu Bu’s figure for a long time, so he was anxious. Where’s Bai Ling Lu Bu? Has he not come out yet?

Master Lu Bu has come out.
What about others?
Master Lyu3 bu4 this ranging from spirit answer behind the sofa sounded a grandma breath.
Li Ling’s eyes flashed with a doubt about how lyu3 bu4 sound so niang.
Striding across Li Ling to the back of the sofa.
What is this, Lu Bu?
Li Ling almost jumped with fear when he saw Lu Bu behind the sofa.
Less than a meter tall, a golden armor pressed him to the ground, holding an axe the size of a palm in his hand, and trying to hold up his two small arms.
Master, can you give Lu Bu a hand?
Holy shit, ghost, you play with me.
Li Lingmeng circled and looked at the exquisite facial features, just like a pale powder carving jade carving, blinking a pair of big eyes naturally with a pathetic feeling.
This is a special battle against three British Lyu3 bu4, and I intend to take him to challenge the capital Wu Shen.
Xiao Lu Bu may be tired of holding his hands and touching his little head to get out of the armor.
Spirit, you tell me what this is. Looking at Xiao Lu Bu’s efforts to break free from armor, Li Ling couldn’t help but roar.
Master, this is that Lu Bu Tong didn’t lie to you.
What happened to that hundredfoothigh Lyu3 bu4 just now? What made it look like this?
Master, you are not a playboy exchange. No matter how many slaves you draw, you will return to the original state, but Lu Bu’s potential has not changed at all. The master can cultivate him slowly.
Then how long will it take me to train him to the state of seeing before?
It’s only one year
Really Li Ling looked at Xiao Lu Bu with a bright eye, and his eyes were eager again. It’s only been a year, and I can still afford to wait.
SHEN WOO Pavilion will be able to return to normal in one year.
Li Ling calculated a spasm in his head and said, That is to say, I need to spend more than 30 million yuan to train Lu Bu to the peak.
Something like that.
Listen, Ghost’s socalled attitude, Li Ling is crazy.
Master, do you know how many wan ku points it takes to exchange Lu Bu?
how much
30 billion
Li Ling gasped. I didn’t expect Lyu3 bu4 to be so expensive
Suddenly Li Ling’s eyes flashed with a light and asked, Can I exchange Lu Bu for Tong?
Very box slaves, tower slaves can’t be exchanged.
all right
Looking at how Li Ling, who is still free from armor, feels awkward. This kind of play actually costs thirty billion.
Small head has been indented inside the armor. Little Lyu3 bu4 suddenly leaned out his head and looked at Li Ling and said in an orderly way, Master Lyu3 bu4 is not playing, Lyu3 bu4 is the enemy god of war.
Also, Yao is a proud Lyu3 bu4 Li Ling walked towards Xiao Lyu3 bu4 who was pinned down by armor on his face.
God level beauty system Chapter 26 Fool virtual rain
Chapter 26 Fool virtual rain
Walking beside Xiao Lu Bu, Li Ling couldn’t help but shake his head and grab the golden armor to lift him up.
桑拿网As the golden armor was Li Ling up, Xiao Lu Bu’s little head shrank and slipped flexibly, and immediately she knelt down with her hands and fuels, and grandma said angrily, Thank you for your master’s rescue at the end of Lv Fengxian.
All right, all right
Li Ling waved his hand and threw his golden armor aside. He went to the sofa and said to Xiao Lu Bu, Come and sit down.
I won’t dare at the end.
Looking at a serious little Lu Bu Li Ling, I couldn’t help sighing. I wanted to find a super thug, but now I’m a nanny.

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