How come there are always these crazy people who like suicide bombers in this world!

Jiang Weihan himself is not afraid of Yougesalon’s selfexplosion. When the time comes, just hide in the diaphragm. It is impossible to hurt Jiang Weihan if the selfexplosion energy is insufficient to destroy the time sequence. However, those people in the nest, as well as the elite soldiers of the Audoul League, are the whole Northrend. I am afraid that other creatures will really suffer!
You forced me! Yogger Salon roared bitterly, Look, I want you all to be buried with me!
Don’t be so impulsive when you have something to discuss! Jiang Weihan hurriedly shout
What to do …’ Jiang Weihan is impatient.
Completely crush Yogsalon’s heart. It will take a little longer to stop the selfexplosion. Do you expect it for the time being?
It is unrealistic to rely on the ability to move people on the ground when they stop. Even if the whole Bronze Dragon Corps comes, it is impossible to cast enough spells to take everyone away from Northrend.
Avoiding it must not work. The only solution is to stop it!
Jiang Weihan’s mind has never worked so fast at this moment. He quickly checked his abilities and things now and found nothing to stop Yugsarong’s selfexplosion immediately.
I should have come from Yogsalon!’
Jiang Weihan had a brainwave. Before trying to recall, he analyzed those memories from Yogsalon through the Nalu code. One of them revealed that it was like controlling the essence of the heart, which included two elements: context and spirit!
The vein is the flow channel of the essence power of the Yogsalon body, and its energy form is like the mage’s mana, but it is not really in the body but something immaterial.
Spirit is also an abstract ability, which is equivalent to the specific execution of instructions issued by the brain and nerve spirit.
Jiang Weihan has no way to directly attack the other party’s context, but he can interfere with the other party’s spirit and let it explode in the French spirit!
He never thought that one day he would attack with his soul and spirit. In the past, he was always attacked by the spiritfor example, when he encountered Sargeras in the distorted virtual reality, he also just met Yogg Salon.
But now he has a unique advantage, because he knows Nalu cryptology too well. Perhaps his soul strength is not as strong as that of Yogsalon, but his tenacity is far greater than that of the other side.
Now is the time to give full play to this specialty!
He condensed his spirit and suddenly attacked the soul of Yogsalon.
The evil god didn’t think that he would be attacked by a spirit. He was unprepared, and suddenly his brain seemed to have been severely hit by a sledgehammer.
Yogsalon snorted. Because of mental disturbance, it extracted the essence of the heart and its explosive action was almost disturbed.
You can’t stop me! Yougesalon responded crazily.
Its former spirit attacked Jiang Weihan and tried to cooperate with several servants to kill each other, but it didn’t succeed at that time.
This is the key link in Enzo’s plan. If it interfered with Jiang Weihan’s soul at that time, this guy must have died in his first stomach, but it didn’t turn out as he hoped.
Yogsalon didn’t know why. He guessed that Jiang Weihan should have some special protection. Later, when he revealed the true identity of the other party, it was in vainthe other party was a Titan!
But even so, most titans are not good at spirit, because their thinking is very mechanical, and their ability in this respect is poor.
No matter in which world, this group of ancient gods is the real master of spirit!
In the face of Jiang Weihan’s provocation, Yogsalon immediately prepared to give part of his spirit to fight back.
Jiang Weihan just attacked it. I don’t believe this guy can confront it headon!
If Jiang Weihan really does this, Yougesalon will secretly rejoice insteadthen it will probably not blow itself up!
You know, it is very risky to blow itself up this time. Even if it succeeds, it will only get a chance to resurrect, and it will still die. And once it fails, it must be a complete death like C ‘Thun!
Hum overreached! Let you taste what a real mental attack is! Yogger Salon couldn’t help secretly laughing and immediately assigned most of his spirit to confront Jiang Weihan’s soul.
Even Titan has no way to compete with the ancient gods.
It felt that it was a shooin and deliberately suspended the process of selfexplosion!
You know, after a while, selfexplosion will become an irreversible process, and it will be impossible to stop even if it wants to.
If it is really successful, it will win the war if its spirit destroys Jiang Weihan’s will. Wouldn’t it be unnecessary to blow itself up at this time?
桑拿Anyway, even if it doesn’t crush the other party’s spirit, even if it drives Jiang Weihan away, it can continue to blow itself up and plan its own death and rebirth.
It never thought that it was possible that it would lose in the spirit competition.
Yogsalon’s spirit returned to Jiang Weihan in a bundle. It could clearly sense that the strength of the other person’s soul was far from it. It could beat the other person casually, if the other person resisted hard.
But Jiang Weihan resisted the pressure. He looked a little uncomfortable and pale, and his eyes were a lot confused as if he had been hit hard.
Yogsalon was overjoyed. He knew very well that this was a sign of mental damage!
One more effort and a stronger attack will completely destroy the will of the other side!
It doesn’t know that all this is deliberately put on by Jiang Weihan.
Let the other side feel close to success, and feel that one more effort will defeat the opponent, so that it will go further and Jiang Weihan will have a chance to solve the immediate dilemma.
In order to win, whether it is conspiracy or wisdom!
Jiang Weihan secretly converted Nalu’s code to get rid of the spirit from Yougesalon. Will he come and look carefully at the second wave of spirit confrontation?
This time, he looked even worse. His face was as white as gold, his eyes almost lost focus, and his feet stumbled to avoid the attack of Yogsalon’s tentacles, and he was almost caught by one of them.
Yogger Salon has been doing both, thrusting his chest tentacles and attacking Jiang Weihan, while exerting his spirit and taking into account the essence of the heart.
We’re almost there. We need to work harder! Jugsalon was overjoyed to see Jiang Weihan’s performance.
It has regained light and hope in front of its eyes, and it will capture Jiang Weihan. Even the price it pays now is nothing. Because it has mastered Jiang Weihan and the heroes in the nest, it can really be released. Then it will be better and even stronger than Enzos!
It’s up to Enzo to decide whether to release him then.
If there is a day, it will definitely give Enzo a profound and unforgettable lesson!
The thought of this Yogsalon is more exciting than the excitement, and I feel that today’s suffering is nothing.

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