ah? !”

Su Ying was almost listening to silly at this time, but she never imagined that this an would be so confident! How dare you just say something in front of the Chinese audience and beat the faker man! !
But at the moment, looking at an’s inspiring ambition in front of her determined eyes is like this, echoing in Su Yingxin for a long time.
Me! It’s not China faker!
I am me! It’s an ! China player who can beat faker completely! ! !
The first chapter is about?
ah! Sigh, wait for that.
Suddenly, it was already the end of the interview, and Zhang Hengyi was about to take a taxi back to the base when she suddenly heard a sudden sweet cry behind her, so she couldn’t help but look back. It turned out that Su Ying, the host who had just interviewed herself, was waving her arms and shouting at herself.
Well, is there anything else?
Zhang Hengyi is also a little startled at this time. After all, the reward for this period is to play more games and directly hit his card. Plus, the interview has already been completed and the recording has been very successful. By rights, it should be nothing for him at this time.
Ahem, sigh. Actually, I’m a big fan of yours. Can you sign it for me?
Su Ying is a little breathless at this time because she is in a hurry to trot over, but she is slightly embarrassed to ask while constantly stroking her chest with her hand. At this time, due to the fast running, Su Ying’s forehead is sweating a little bit, but at this moment, the sun shines at noon, but there is a different charm.
Ah, of course it’s no problem.
Zhang Hengyi listened to this and immediately smiled gently and hurriedly replied. At the same time, he directly accepted Su Ying’s passing pen. His slightly trembling hands signed his first fan signature in Su Ying’s white shirt.
We, an, Zhang Hengyi
The three names are divided into three lines. At this time, it is clearly displayed in Su Ying’s clean white shirt. I don’t know whether Zhang Hengyi has never signed autographs for fans, or whether it is the first time that he has been in close contact with girls, or when signing, his fingers inadvertently touched the skin of the shirt that was only separated by a shallow layer. Anyway, Zhang Hengyi’s writing is not ugly at all, but at this time, it happened that his first fan dress was crooked and ugly.
Ha ha ~ ~
Su Ying looked down at Zhang Hengyi’s slightly ugly signature at this moment, but she was still a little embarrassed, so she couldn’t help secretly laughing over her mouth, but fortunately, she quickly continued while Zhang Hengyi was still embarrassed
桑拿Well, can I ask a little too much again?
This sentence is directly listen to Zhang Hengyi eyebrows a pick suddenly have some curiosity you say.
Can I invite you to dinner that night? I have a very good friend who is also a big fan of yours. Su Ying was a little embarrassed when she said this. After all, it was just the first time that the two talents met each other, and it was really embarrassing.
But Nai’s best friend, after knowing that she was going to interview an today, fought for a long time and insisted on inviting an to have a potluck today. Moreover, she directly signed dozens of indentures and promised to do it for herself. However, she directly coaxed herself into saying yes at the moment, even though she was embarrassed, she could still be crustily skin of head.
At this time, Zhang Hengyi took the initiative to invite himself to dinner directly when he heard the beauty in front of him. At that time, it was really a shock. Suddenly, the whole brain began to think directly.
But it’s really not up to Zhang Hengyi not to think much. Think about a beautiful woman who just met herself for just over an hour, but first she chased herself and said that she was her loyal fan, and then she deliberately let herself take the initiative to halfside after signing her shirt. It seems that she is faintly trying to show her proud chest posture, and at the same time she is extremely tempted and confused, and her lips gently said.
Hey, handsome, do you have a date?
Well, I admit that I distorted the facts myself.
Zhang Hengyi coughed directly and severely at the thought of this moment, and at the same time, he quickly expelled his dirty thoughts and concealed his slightly embarrassed expression.
Well, I know I’m a little abrupt, but my friend really likes you very much. No, it’s not that kind of love. It’s that kind of love that fans have for idols. Yes, I especially admire you anyway. I specially requested that I definitely invite you to have dinner with you tonight.
Su Ying said that at this moment, she couldn’t help but pout, and it seems that she is still angry with the best friend who has made herself so embarrassed now. But at this time, her expression in Zhang Hengyi’s eyes is already thinking, but it is another meaning.
And in the end result,
How can a man who says Zhang Hengyi is such a gentleman and so kind, pure and peerless refuse a delicate and touching figure, crisp * halfexposed chest and slender legs?
Cough, cough, are you kidding? Is Zhang Hengyi the kind of loser who can play tricks on his fans?
So he is out of love and respect for his fans. After all, he is also his first fan and his first beauty fan. After all, it has a special meaning
Besides, adding your second beauty fan is so eager to know yourself. How dare you say this makes Zhang Hengyi shirk others?
Therefore, at this moment, when the night just enveloped the whole sea, Zhang Hengyi dressed herself up directly after returning to the base, and then quickly went to the nearby mall to find a few discounted clothes to tidy up Lili Suosuo, which was better than getting a car from SAO and rushing directly to Su Ying to send her hotel address.
All the way, Zhang Hengyi looked out of the window through the slightly blurred window at the colorful neon of the strange buildings, which turned out to be suddenly asleep again.
Connect! Please welcome the captain of we Team, who won the first world champion of Sseries events in China! Sigh!
At this moment, as the host’s exaggerated drawl just represented China in the s4 World Finals and defeated the captain of the we team of the South Korean team at the Korean home, Zhang Hengyi finally walked to the center of the stage with a burst of cheers from fans, smiling and waving his arms.
Well, sigh, how did you feel when you first attended your fan meeting?
Su Ying, the host, chuckled and looked at Ah Tan walking slowly, while imitating a few decades of bosom friends, but he just teased and asked.
Ha ha ~ ~ Of course it’s very exciting. After all, being able to lead we to finally beat South Korea and win our first Sseries world championship in China is really inseparable from all the fans who support we and support me! That’s why this fan meeting is called. I can thank everyone in person for their continuous support! !”
sigh! Sigh! ! Sigh! ! !”
At this time, as Zhang Hengyi’s voice just fell, the tens of thousands of loyal fans, who are almost comparable to the scale of the top star concert, were crashing and suddenly stunned. It turned out that tens of thousands of people shouted Zhang Hengyi’s name together. At that time, the whole Bird’s Nest Stadium was screaming wildly with these tens of thousands of fans, which simply gave people a feeling that there was a popular superstar in the concert. Even if they were separated by hundreds of kilometers, they could still clearly hear the shocking and neat cry!
A Yi
And almost at the same time, Zhang Hengyi was immersed in the enthusiastic cries of all loyal fans, but suddenly she heard one side. She had known each other for nearly a year, and almost both of them had become friends. Su Ying was looking at herself with blurred eyes at the moment, and at the same time, she slightly opened her lips and gently called her name.
At this time, Zhang Hengyi couldn’t help but be slightly confused when she heard Su Ying’s call. She turned her head and looked at her at the moment, just separated by a hair distance and gently snuggled up to the beautiful girl beside her.
In fact, I have already loved you!
What, well!
Even when Zhang Hengyi just heard Su Ying’s bold confession, he didn’t wait until his consciousness called out, but when he didn’t know it, he was already tightly attached to his body. The stunner was struggling to carry the intoxicating fragrance with her nose directly after she confessed shyly, but at this time, she was very bold and took the initiative to offer a kiss directly, and it was already deeply attached to Zhang Hengyi’s lips.
And the deadly touch of rubbing his lips with his proud posture made Zhang Hengyi, an inexperienced little virgin, intoxicated directly at the moment.
hey! Brother! Has arrived!
Just then, I saw that the taxi suddenly stopped and then came directly from the front. The taxi driver’s extremely thick loud voice was suddenly awakened, and Zhang Hengyi, who had just fallen into a gentle village!
Ah, how much is the master?
Zhang Hengyi listened to the driver’s loud voice at this time, but suddenly he woke up from that extremely illusory dream, so he quickly wiped his face and quickly paid the car and drifted off directly.
At this time, although Zhang Hengyi just saw the eyecatching’ Haidilao Hot Pot’ in front of him, he knew that he was out of the dream at this time, but once his fingers gently touched his slightly parted lips, he could still feel very clearly as hot and soft as the dream just now!
Ah! Sigh! Here it is!
Suddenly, Zhang Hengyi, who was still immersed in the charming dream at this time, suddenly heard a familiar cry, so he quickly looked at it in a blink of an eye and saw two beautiful women who were extremely tall and picked up in this slightly bleak autumn, but still very fashionable, wearing a colorful hip skirt and playing * * in black!
Zhang Hengyi has already seen Su Ying and her mouth to be good friends at this time, so she quickly waved her hand to show that she has already seen them, and at the same time she quickly walked forward to meet her two beautiful fans.
Hey, hey, sigh, this beautiful woman is my best friend, Lu Tiantian!
Su Ying directly after the two sides meet is hey hey said with a smile and said, while also slightly wriggle with a nervous Lu Tiantian directly to the front of Zhang Hengyi and because both of them didn’t have the slightest expectation, they almost let two people directly face to face to touch together!
Uhhuh? !”
And Zhang Hengyi at this time in a very embarrassing slightly after a step back, this is finally see Su Ying girlfriends, but just when he saw Lu Tiantian’s appearance is instantaneous, he was shocked and widened his eyes directly!
Fuck! Isn’t this specialSAMA, the goddesslevel commentary of the 4p gate in the previous life? ! ?

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