She felt her brain shut down for a moment.

Some wooden looking at Mr Seal glass unconsciously spoke Mr Seal glass …
Huo sealing glass smell speech bowed their heads and looked at her. It seemed that the eyes were gentle as if they were going to drop water. He looked at Lu Xi’s mouth and put out his hand and gently rubbed her forehead.
Lu Jin immediately a bad cold.
He suddenly pushed him away and tried to shake off his hand.
But it was pinned down by Huo Feng without trace. He squeezed her hand and motioned her not to touch.
But Lu Jin won’t listen to him. They don’t know each other very well!
After the woman across the street was in a daze, she also heard the words that Lu Jin called Huo Feng Li just now. She knew that Lu Jin and Huo Feng Li Xian knew each other and didn’t look like lying to her …
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The woman’s eyes immediately looked at the eyes with a little jealousy. She looked at Lu Jin and said, Where is the female watch? You seduce the glass!
Lu Jin …
She looked at the woman with a smile on her face. Please keep your mouth clean, young lady. I don’t know him well at all. It’s your eyes that blindly look at a playboy man who also casually pulls others as a shield …
Before her words were finished, the whole person Huo Fengli pulled over.
She felt that Huo Fengli squinted and gave her a warning look, and then she heard Huo Fengli deliberately put out a gentle look at her and said, What are you talking about? It’s just that I made you angry a few days ago. It’s necessary to say such hurtful things. She and I don’t like you as much as I do.
Lu Jin …
Her eyebrows are waiting for Mr. Glass to bite her teeth with a warning: Mr. Glass let go, and my husband will go upstairs. You can let go now. At best, I will teach you a lesson and soon become a mixed couple …
Lu is low and Mr Glass said.
The woman across the street has a red eye. She looks at Lu Jin and her eyes are full of jealousy.
Before she suddenly stepped away, she went directly to Lu Xi and raised her hand and waved to Lu Xi.
However, as soon as the woman raised her hand, she was suddenly buckled.
A woman is stupefied.
The man’s strength is a little strong and he directly shook off her hand.
The woman exclaimed, and when she turned around, she saw a handsome man walking past her delicate eyebrows, frowning tightly and her face was slightly cold.
For a second, Ms. Lu felt that she had been jerked off.
Although it was not gentle, it was pulled directly into my arms and my waist was buckled, and I didn’t fall at all.
She looked up and saw Li Fu coldly looking at Mr. Seal Glass with a sullen face.
Lu Jin …
She immediately looked at Li Fu pitifully and grabbed Li Fu’s sleeve. Husband, that man just … conspired against me …
Smell speech Li turn eyes cham black eyes looked at her.
Husband … She is still miserable.
桑拿会所It seems that this husband … The man’s eyes suddenly loosened to please him, and his eyes faded a little.
Ms. Lu knows that the coquetry tube also knows that this person is awkward and narrowminded, and immediately said, Husband just that man wants to molest me! You have to help me get out.
Huo sealing glass …
Mr. Seal glass stare big eyes looking at Ms. Lu look weird.
He just used her as a shield …
Huo sealing glass line of sight is still fixed, and Lu Jin feels Li Fu’s cold and calm face look at him.
Huo sealing glass immediately corners of the mouth a smoke.
He knows when this gentleman in the Li family’s sexual eyebrows moved and he opened his mouth to say something.

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