The more you watch, the more proficient you will be, Nie Yan explained. If you give it to you at the beginning or before you come to the city, you will have a certain experience, but after such a long time, you will be able to stand alone, and you will learn easily.

Chapter five hundred and thirtysix Brian uninvited
The next move is the fourth move, and it may also be your most common move. Nie Yan made a fourth move to Li Xiabing \
Mom, Xia Bing, you have demonstrated the fourth move before she even performed it once, Zhou Zhengqi said aside.
Well, I just said that those moves made her firmly remember Nie Yan explained.
To tell you the truth, I have forgotten how to do it. Maybe the root didn’t understand it. Zhou Zhengqi felt that he was big and he didn’t particularly believe that Li Xiabing would watch it a few times.
Zheng Qi, I know what you think, but I can assure all of you that there is nothing wrong with what comes next, Li Xiabing replied decisively.
Good, Nie Yan nodded. I just like to hear you say the last trick to show your determination.
The last move is also forbidden, but it is the most lethal move that exceeds all ordinary moves. For your current physical strength, you can make a political move for a limited time. Nie Yan looked back at Zhou Zhengqi. It is not impossible to master the last move if you can master it.
Well, Zhou Zhengqi nodded and replied.
This move is called Monkey Teng. You must have heard of it before. Nie Yan said the name of this move and asked the two of them.
Well, I did hear about it, Zhou Zhengqi nodded and replied. I remember when I participated in the competition, I begged the coach to teach me this trick, but I was directly rejected by him. Anyway, it is impossible.
Well, this kind of move is too lethal and has long been banned in the competition, Nie Yan explained, but you will see it from me.
What is the teacher like? Li Xiabing continued.
First of all, there is one thing that must be remembered when kicking the opponent with a high sweep, Nie Yan said
Remember what you have to force your opponent to retreat. Nie Yan explained.
So you can force your opponent to retreat in other ways. Li Xiabing continued.
Yeah, but it’s impossible for the opponent not to retreat after this high sweep kick is put into use, Nie Yan explained. Once the opponent leans back and retreats, you should pay attention to the key moves. It is this time that when you see the opponent doing this kind of move, you should immediately stop the high sweep kick and directly turn around and launch a flying knee to attack the opponent’s head. One thing you must remember is that when you put it into use, don’t let the opponent know that your moves want the other party to give a fatal blow without knowing it.
We understand that I have several sets to confuse my opponents, Li Xiabing replied.
品茶论坛After Nie Yan confessed, suddenly there came a high sweep kick. In the process of kicking forward, he suddenly turned and slammed his knees and almost hit the hospital wall.
Well, I know. Li Xiabing nodded after seeing this process. This trick should be more common.
It’s not common for experts not to have some peerless experts to know, Nie Yan explained. That guy including Zheng Zhou can’t avoid being confused.
Well Li Xia freezing point nodded and promised.
Nie Yan also said when a sound suddenly came from the outside.
Go away! Go away! The rude male voice kept coming from the outside, and something seemed to have happened outside.
Who’s yelling here? Li Xiabing didn’t like the pedestrian outside, so he said.
I don’t know, maybe a few patients were drunk and screamed there, Zhou Zhengqi explained.
true chat
In a few tens of seconds, the roar became louder and louder, and it was getting closer and closer to Li Xiabing’s ward. Some rude words unconsciously entered Zhou Zhengqi’s ears.
Who are these people? Zhou Zhengqi said impatiently. These guys are a bunch of hooligans.
Come on, let them roar. Nieyan fresh meat amoeba doesn’t want these people anymore.
I’m going out to see who’s making trouble outside, Zhou Zhengqi said, and I’m going out to find out.
Before he could go out, the door was suddenly opened and many people rushed towards it.
What are you doing? Nie Yan asked these uninvited guests and walked slowly towards them.
Go away These people yelled at Nie Yan as Li Xiabing sat on the bed.
You’re under arrest, a woman wanted for a long time. Several uniformed policemen showed their certificates to Li Xiabing.
Ah, you were surprised to see several policemen Li Xiabing.
Hey, I’ve learned a lot today. How dare some policemen arrest people in broad daylight? Zhou Zhengqi mocked them.
Shut up, you guy. A policeman scolded Zhou Zhengqi. There is no place for you to talk here.
There is no place for me to talk. Ha ha ha ha Zhou Zhengqi suddenly smiled.
What are you laughing at? He asked Zhou Zhengqi, a few naked people. It seems that they are just a group of hooligans.
These guys should be collusion between police and bandits, Zhou Zhengqi guessed. I can’t encourage them to do this. I must kill them down a peg or two.
Come with us, several policemen said, and they would put the handcuffs on Li Xia Bing’s hands.
Wait a minute, I’ll see who dares you. Zhou Zhengqi said and directly stopped Li Xia’s ice bed. He stretched out his hand and pulled up a policeman and fell to the ground in lightning.
Seeing Zhou Zhengqi’s outbursts, some people began to retreat. They were still afraid of Zhou Zhengqi’s strength.
If you dare to rush ahead, I will let you know your own field, Zhou Zhengqi threatened.
What should I do about this guy? Others began to discuss.
get out of here, all of you. Don’t blame me if you come in again. Zhou Zhengqi continued to threaten.
Just as most people quit, several people took advantage of Zhou Zhengqi and others’ inattention and slowly went around behind Zhou Zhengqi. They tried to hand Li Xia Bing at this time.
When several policemen bypassed Zhou Zhengqi behind him, Zhou Zhengqi quickly responded by the load and turned around and directly caught one of them falling to the ground.
Just as several other people were preparing to hand Li Xia Bing, Li Xiabing suddenly opened the bed, lifted his legs and kicked down several people in front of him, and then covered the bed. For Li Xiabing, the whole process took less than three seconds.
Don’t blame me if you don’t leave. Zhou Zhengqi threatened others and was a little excited himself.
Let’s go, let’s go. Others muttered and slowly walked away from Zhou Zhengqi.
Just when most people were about to quit, a voice suddenly came from behind. It was Brian, a tall and powerful man, who came here unexpectedly.
You are the ghost again. Li Xiabing said impatiently to him.
Yes, it’s me. I remember why you didn’t come to see you. Brian laughed.
Li Xiabing felt sick when she heard Brian’s words. She really didn’t want to see him at this time.
What is your present purpose? Li Xiabing asked him this question.
Because I’m interested in you, I’m curious that the king mask always talks about you wherever he goes, Brian replied.
So is he coming? Li Xiabing asked.
What’s he doing here? Brian said maliciously. I told you I wouldn’t stop until I caught you today.
Enemies again, Li Xia snorted coldly. Miss is worried that she has no place to make her own strength. You came quickly.

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