
Two Excalibur struck generate and produced a string of Mars.
It seems that Jiang Weihan didn’t inject divine power into the silverwhite trial, otherwise sputtering the sacred flame would definitely give the high elf king an unforgettable burn! He didn’t intend to go directly to the opposite of the high elves, but hoped to make the arrogant king sober up a little and listen to himself carefully.
In order to achieve this goal, he accelerated the stormlike attack while maintaining it, which made Anastasian tired of coping with the fact that there were two rapidly flashing figures in the hall, which made it almost difficult to catch who was who.
Jiang Weihan became more and more comfortable and simply gave up casting spells and regarded himself as a soldier, but Anastasian became more and more wronged. He couldn’t remember when he was in such a mess. Maybe it was more than 2,000 years ago when Silvermoon City almost fell at the most critical moment of the war between the high elves and trolls.
He can feel that this human being is not trying his best to attack. In his view, this is not humility but humiliationthis human being is humiliating him by almost playfully attacking in this way!
Anastasian’s anger grew fiercer and fiercer as if his heart were about to explode.
Can’t stand it! Can’t stand it!
The high elf king was furious. He let out a roar. Instead of blocking the sword that the other side stabbed him in the shoulder, he desperately waved the flame to attack the other side’s chest!
Jiang Weihan didn’t expect that the king had lost his mind. When he saw each other’s lives changing, he immediately retreated in a panic and immediately turned the acceleration into deceleration to withdraw his attack. At the same time, he summoned a shield in front of himself, and the flame struck his chest. He could feel the burning breath in his heart, but the shield was still blocked.
He breathed a sigh of relief but immediately became angrystubborn!
Jiang Weihan stopped leaving his hand. He didn’t want to call names, but this arrogant king not only refused to listen, but also regarded his kindness as a donkey’s liver and lungs. It was a shame!
He condensed the sacred flame and ignited the blue flame of the silverwhite judgment sword. At the same time, he summoned a large thorn vine to completely bind Anastasian.
At the extreme acceleration, the speed of Jiang Weihan is so fast that people can catch it with their eyes.
Anastasian felt that a huge force bombarded him and flew him out after the earthquake and then rolled out for several meters.
clank, clank This is the sound of crisp metal pieces falling to the ground, and that is the Excalibur of the High ElvesFlame Strike.
It broke into two pieces and scattered on the ground.
Anastasian struggled to prop himself up against the steps. His eyes were broken, and the flames hit his eyes, but he completely lost focus.
on behalf of sunstrider Wang Chaocheng Excalibur was broken in his hand.
Jiang Weihan took back his time stick and silverwhite trial. When he went over and picked up two swords and looked at the high elf king, he saw hatred and anger in his eyes.
This made Jiang Weihan completely disheartened
With such a stubborn king, how can the high elves not take an extreme road?
He waved and threw broken arrow in front of Anastasian. Is this what you want to see?
Anastasian’s eyes burned like flames.
Jiang Weihan asked with anger, I told Kael’thas that Dalkan was a traitor. In the Battle of Broken Ridge, I saw Dalkan become a necromancer with my own eyes, but until this moment, you are still stubborn! You think I’m a liar! But please tell me what I will covet from you?
He pointed to the palace sunstrider Palace? Or are you proud of magic? It’s a pity that I smell the extreme and arrogant pervading here! You think that you are superior to others, that you have helped mankind a lot, but you can get very little from mankind. You think that it is better to pay than to return. You think that mankind is holding you back. If you take what you need from each other and trade on an equal footing, it is a welldefined alliance in your mind. You really can’t keep such an ally.
You disappoint me very much. Jiang Weihan turned to the closed door. This kingdom has chosen its own destiny and I have tried my best.
Thanks to otaku 161 exceptional; Thanks to the wild pig flying in the sky and the Rubik’s cube decimal 1 reward;
Fortunately, I didn’t get drunk and finally got out of this chapter. Haha, integrity can’t be dropped!
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Chapter ninetythree Find the essence of life
Jiang Weihan’s mirror image blurred through a lot of palace guards outside the locked gate, anxious to get into the main hall. The movement had long been noticed, but Anasta was not disturbed. No one was allowed to break in without authorization and locked the gate from the inside.
Jiang Weihan looked at these loyal guards, but he felt a little sorry that their paranoid king might take this kingdom to the abyss.
Then he saw the king who arrived in Kael’thas when he heard the news. He looked worried. He heard that the guards reported that there was a fight in the king’s residence, and immediately thought of whether a demon had sneaked in here.
Jiang Wei’s Chinese mirror entity appeared in front of Kael’thas and said in the other party’s astonishment, I have a breakdown with your father. If one day the elves encounter a disaster, you can take people to the Varolan station. If it doesn’t happen, it’s superfluous to treat me as a person!
This ….. What does Kael’thas want to say? He has a lot of problems to prove with Jiang Weihan.
The Flame Strike needs to be recast. I hope you can make it tougheryour real enemy will not go back to the king of Kael’thas with mercy. Jiang Weihan said this and then blurred the spirit again, and the speed flew away.
Kael’thas hurried over to hit the main hall door. He saw his father sitting down in front of the steps, one with a hilt and the other with a blade, looking dull.
That sword is the Excalibur of Wang Chaocheng day by dayFlame Strike.
It needs to be recastis this Jiang Weihan’s strength? Kael’thas looked at his ruined father and saw Jiang Weihan’s strength through his embarrassmentbut how is that possible? He remembered that before joining the sixmember parliament of kirin tor, Jiang Shi had not reached the heroic realm, and Anastasian’s father was one of the most powerful people in the high elf kingdom!
After the return of the soul, Jiang Weihan opened his eyes. He saw Kyle and Jaina Wu Seer all beside him, and sylvanas windrunner, the ranger general, looked at this side intentionally.
What happened? Jaina asked.
Jiang Weihan shook his head and said, I’m sorry I can’t save them. He got up and turned to Wu Seer. Let’s go. The high elves can’t count on it.
Wu Seer sighed.
They went to evacuate when sylvanas windrunner suddenly chased her in front of Jiang Weihan with a question in her eyes. What do you mean, what do you mean,’ can’t save them’? Do they mean our Quel ‘Salas?
Jiang Weihan looked at this beautiful and proud general ranger with a dry voice. I hope it doesn’t and it doesn’t need to save sylvanas windrunner. If there is such a time, I hope you can bear the burden of humiliation. Take care of it!
Wait for you to make it clear! Sylvanas windrunner listened to Jiang Weihan’s specious remarks, which puzzled her. What do you mean, humiliation and mourning? What do you mean, I hope it doesn’t need saving? What exactly does this mean? She was almost confused about seeing Jiang Weihan ready to leave, and she couldn’t help but want to ask.
Jiang Weihan saw that he was pulled by the cuff and turned around to face her. He said, sylvanas windrunner, I know that you threw a gold coin into the wishing pool in Dalaran. Everyone knows that the pool was shrouded in magical magic and the gold coin method was salvaged and viewed.
Sylvanas windrunner continued to stare at him when he saw that his answer was irrelevant.
I know what you wish on that surface. I hope my sisters can grow up with me …
Don’t say it! Sylvanas windrunner immediately glared at him and found that she had nothing to threaten this human being. Then she pleaded with a hint, Don’t read it out, okay?
Jiang Weihan’s heart is really a proud queen. When asking for help, he must threaten first. He nodded and promised and then said, I know something about the future. I have been trying to prevent those bad things from happening. Some have succeeded and some have failed. Maybe the elves who have changed in the future will have different fates; Maybe no one knows. Be good to yourself!
After discovering the flying fortress of the Scourge Corps in the keel wilderness, Luo Ning and others realized that they had to inform the alliance as soon as possible so that they could take precautions. However, it was equally important for them to get the essence of their lives during their trip, and they immediately set off in Krasus to guide them to find the Red Dragon Holy Land.
Alexstrasza, the Queen of the Red Dragon, seemed very accommodating. After hearing their request, she gave them a bottle full of the essence of life without much hesitation.
Krasus looked at the Red Dragon Queen in human form, and she was very cherishedhis lover’s face was weak and pale, and the essence of life came from the Red Dragon Queen’s divine power. Every drop contained great power, but she was still the most reasonable of all the dragon kings.
The form of alexstrasza people is that of a high elf, but there are a pair of horns inlaid with gold rings on her head, and her height is definitely beyond the reach of high elvesshe is almost ten feet tall (about three meters), which is less than the height of a high elf woman, Wenlesa.
She looks noble and beautiful, but she is not arrogant because she is dragon aspects.
Ronin Wenresa, I believe you, alexstrasza smiled. I hope the essence of life can help you.
We can’t thank you enough for your generosity! Wenresa is warm and humble.

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