Ling Zhiyue quickly shook her head. Dad, I don’t like Hua Yifeng. I won’t associate with him.

Yifeng is really nice. You can try to associate with him and see if dad doesn’t mind if you find a boyfriend without graduation.
Dad, I already have someone I like. I already have a boyfriend. I don’t need to find Hua Yifeng anymore. Ling Zhiyue couldn’t help but say what she had been hiding from her heart.
Lingfu asked, Boyfriend? Who is your boyfriend?
Dad, I might as well tell you that Qianfan and I have been dating for a long time. I like Yunqianfan.
Ling Zhiyue simply admitted that Yun Qianfan was going to visit her parents anyway, and they made it public that she was just saying hello to her father before.
Lingfu looked at Lingzhiyue and said, Smelly girl, I knew you were already in love. If I hadn’t tested you today, you wouldn’t say it, would you?
LingZhi month looked at his father in amazement dad, you already know? When did you know?
She thinks she is very careful. She doesn’t dare to come home late at night. When talking to Yun Qianfan, she also hides in the room and beats him. How can she know that she is in love?
Lingfu grunted, All I asked you to go out with Yifeng today was to test you. I didn’t expect you to really fall in love, and no matter when I knew it, I told you that I didn’t like you and Yun Qianfan.
What ah dad don’t you want to interfere in our love? I’m telling you, this is the age of freedom of marriage, and you can’t interfere with us by force, cried Ling Zhiyue.
LingFu looked at LingZhi month earnestly tunnel zhi month you are younger than 21 years old, how can you fall in love? You are not mature now. You fall in love too early, Dad. This is also for fear that you will suffer.
He knows that his daughter is in love, but he doesn’t know who is in love with her. He is really worried that his daughter is barking up the wrong tree.
What’s more, he couldn’t think that it was his daughter’s boyfriend who turned out to be Yun Qianfan, which was beyond his expectation. He is a hard-working person, but Yun Qianfan’s family background is really a bit high with his daughter.
Ling Zhiyue didn’t expect her father to talk like this. For a moment, she felt that her father still cared about her.
Ling Zhiyue whispered, Dad, although I am not yet twenty-one, I already know what I do and who I want. Don’t worry.
You are still young, don’t make a decision too early. You are in love with him, but you can’t do anything special. Do you hear me?
Although LingFu said euphemistically, LingZhi month has understood that her face turned slightly red, but she couldn’t help but be happy when she heard her father say that she could fall in love with YunQianFan. Dad, do you really promise to associate with QianFan? What you said is true?
桑拿论坛Lingfu grunted, You’ve been dating for so long. Shall I stop you now? But I have concluded that you can’t do anything before marriage and you can’t get married before graduation.
Good dad, I promise you I won’t marry Qianfan before graduation. It’s only a year and a half before graduation, and she is still young and can afford to wait.
Lingfu nodded. Well, you go to rest.
Well, I’ll go out first. Good night.
Lingfu gave a signal to Lingzhiyue that she would go out.
Ling Zhiyue sighed after closing the door. He really wanted to stop it, but he didn’t know how to look at his baby daughter. He couldn’t bear it. It seems that he is really old and his heart is not as cold as before.
Then ling mother came in and she asked, what’s the matter? Zhiyue, did she admit it? Who is she in love with?
Ling mother also found that her daughter was abnormal and wanted to ask her daughter directly, but she couldn’t ask.
Lingfu took a look at his wife and said, It’s a bit unexpected for Zhi Yue’s girl to associate with Yun Qianfan.
Ling mother eyes a bright cloud thousands of all? That guy is fine and handsome. It’s normal for our daughter to like him. I would be relieved if Yun Qianfan said.
LingFu startled don’t worry? Do you agree to let Zhi Yue associate with that little guy?
It’s not good for his wife to abandon Yun Qianfan. After all, Yun’s family is just an ordinary family. At least compared with their Ling family, it’s far behind. Does she want to stop her son from being with Xia Yuyao? Isn’t she very disgusted with Xia Yuyao’s birth? Why has it changed now?
Ling mother said, why don’t you agree? Yun Qianfan is handsome and handsome again. I wouldn’t worry if Zhi Yue was looking for him.
But the cloud family background … Lingfu suddenly felt that his wife seemed to have changed, like a completely changed person, and he felt that he needed to get to know her again.
Ling mother looked at her husband and said seriously, What family do you want? It depends on men. It depends on others. I look at that cloud. It’s not bad, my wife. In the past, we were all wrong. Since Xia Yuyao took the door, I found that the marriage of children is really not suitable to measure the ink cold and rain. Isn’t Yao living well? Rain Yao is also a filial child. She didn’t let me block my heart after entering the door, but it made our son more and more human. This person is so important. Now I feel quite satisfied. Now every day I am more comfortable than before. The only worry is that Zhi Yue will find such a good boyfriend and ask her to follow Yun Qianfan well. Then my generation will be really complete.
Ling Fu looked at his wife in shock. He was really shocked by his wife’s change. He thought that while Ling Zhiyue and Yun Qianfan were not married, he still had a chance to break them up, for example, to let better men pursue his daughter and let her discover that there are better men in the world than Yun Qianfan, such as Hua Yifeng.
Now, after listening to his wife’s words, he has begun to hesitate. Since he retired, he has a son to take care of everything at home, a wife and daughter-in-law to take care of everything. He has never been so leisurely in his life, and it is getting more and more comfortable to want to live another day.
In particular, he has two Sun Lele, sensible and lovely grandchildren. He really shouldn’t ask too much.
Finally, Lingfu sighed and looked at his wife and said, It seems that your wife still thinks thoroughly, so let them go.
Ling mother laughed. Well, it’s good that you can figure it out. The two of us have been busy for a generation and struggled for a generation. It’s time to enjoy the rest of our lives, children. Let them go.
Lingfu nodded, well, it’s finally settled to associate with Lingzhiyue.
Ling Zhiyue was very happy to get her parents’ approval, so she told Yun Qianfan and Yun Qianfan was also very surprised and decided to visit Ling’s house the next day.
Yun Qianxue was also very happy when she heard about it. On the day when Yun Qianfan visited Ling’s house, she specially went back to celebrate with her parents.
An Chen didn’t accompany her because his company had something to deal with, but Yun Qianfan told her that the good news had washed away her haze these days, and her face showed a comfortable smile again.
She has decided that no matter what happened to her mother and Fang An, since they don’t say anything, she will always be the daughter of Yunhao and Cao Chunlan. She likes this family and being Yunhao’s daughter. Because Yunhao has always been a good father in her mind.
Yun Hao has loved her for so many years. He has spoiled her more than Yun Qianfan. How can such a father not be his own? He must be thinking too much.
After figuring this out, Yunqianxue won’t be entangled. She had lunch with her parents and was in a good mood. Yunqianxue went directly to the morning group to find Anchen.
An Chen couldn’t help wondering, What’s your wife’s happy event today?
Yun Qianxue laughed. Well, well, there is indeed a great event today.
oh? Let’s hear it and make me happy.
Qian Fan officially visited Ling’s home, and both Ling’s father and mother agreed that he would associate with Zhi Yue. Do you think this is something to be happy about?
An Chen nodded yes indeed
Yun Qianxue sighed, I also thought that Lingfu and Lingmu wouldn’t agree that Qianfan was with Zhi Yue. I didn’t expect them to agree so easily. I’m really happy for Qianfan and Zhi Yue that they don’t secretly fall in love.
Anchen pinched her nose and laughed. Well, I’m glad to see you so happy.
Yun Qianxue put his arm around his neck and smiled sweetly. Honey, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll go to our apartment to cook for you. I’ve learned several dishes from Yan Qingjie. I haven’t had a chance to cook for you yet. You’ll have the luck to eat later when you wait for me to buy ingredients now.
Did you learn to cook with YanQingJie? When did this happen? Why don’t I know? An Chen tiaomei

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