Xiao Jing wanted to talk again when she heard Lin Wanbai say, Liu Mo, I’m very clear. I won’t fail to keep the appointment at this wedding today. She said with a light smile, Song Yuxi is back. You will marry me if you marry her.

Liu Mo’s look sank, and then she pinched her with a cold hum. She glanced at Xiao Jing and said, Rain City is irreplaceable in my heart, but the person I want to marry today is you, Lin Wanbai.
Hearing this, Xiao Jing’s eyebrows tightened, and an anger flared up in his heart. I couldn’t help but rush to Liu Mo in three or two steps, pushing him to raise his hand again and hitting him in the face. Finally, I felt that a heavy hand was stopped behind him and I knew it was Lin Wanbai.
I heard her say, Jing, don’t hit him. Don’t get angry with such people. You go first. I have something to say to him.
Xiao Jing clenched his fist more tightly, but when he looked at Lin Wanbai and begged for his eyes, he still let go of his hand and got up from the ground. He glanced coldly at Liu Mo, who was lying on the ground, saying nothing and leaving here quickly without looking at Lin Wanbai.
Looking at his back is like a loser who wants to escape quickly without looking too embarrassed. She doesn’t know that she will hurt him again.
Looking at his drifting figure, I saw that my eyes were blocked. Liu Mo got up from the ground and looked up at him, and I saw that his face was a little gloomy.
Just about to speak, Liu Mo spoke first. Lin Wanbai didn’t expect you to take care of your little lover so much, and she didn’t forget to have an affair at the wedding.
Lin Wanbai simply sneered, Liu Mo, even if I cheated, how are you going to kill me like that night? And I think the real cheating person should be you?
Eyebrows raised, I’m having an affair with Lin Wanbai. Do I need to have an affair?
He didn’t cheat, but he brought it directly to his home.
Seeing that he raised his hand and looked at his watch, he said coldly, I don’t know why you don’t want your family to come. I want to say it’s your mother, not me. I want you to say yes. I can drive your mother and your little sister away now.
Lin Wanbai’s eyebrows are wrinkly, and she can’t do anything more. That’s what her family can’t do even if they hate her.
See her tone is a little weak. No, you want me to be the bride, then I’ll take it as it. Anyway, I’ve never really been able to get rid of you. You don’t even have the heart to marry my lover. What’s the fear? I feel bad for you. Yuxi loves you, you scum.
Said from his side, to the room.
Pushing open the door, I saw a bunch of people inside. Lin Wanbai was shocked at that time. It was silly to see Allen’s parents sitting there with Mi Zhirong and little sister at the door. The expression on her face was not very good.
When I saw Yin Bing, I saw her mouth slightly open and shouted Little White
Eyebrows slightly wrinkled to see Allen’s mother said, Xiao Lin, where have you been? Make up your makeup quickly. He said, he called the makeup artist aside, Why are you still waiting to make up your makeup for the bride?
Then they took Lin Wanbai to the dressing table and tied her hair and makeup.
Su Yu’s mother also came over, and her face was still a little unhappy. The novel said, Why didn’t you say yes in advance when you came to your home? You didn’t make any preparations when you met, and the wedding is about to start. It’s so worrying that you and Mo don’t have anything to make everyone unhappy on your big day today.
Lin Wanbai looked at herself in the mirror and looked a little cold. She didn’t respond to her expression. She didn’t wait for her. The answer was that she told her and turned to look at Mi Zhirong warmly behind her. Now that Wan Wan is back, we are relieved. Now let’s go to the wedding scene. So many guests don’t let them think that our family has no manners.
Finally, Lin Wanbai and Yin Bing were left in the room.
Yin Bing looked at her worried face and asked, What’s wrong with you, Xiao Bai? What’s wrong with looking at you?
Lin Wanbai shook his head and said lightly, Song Yuxi is back.
Yin Bing’s eyebrows are wrinkly. Isn’t she not in contact for more than half a year? How did she come back? Did she feel unwilling to see manager Lu getting married and then come back to sabotage it?
I feel a little headache today and take a deep breath. Forget it, we don’t want so much. Let’s take it one step at a time. Anyway, I don’t care what will happen to her and Liu Mo.
After that, I heard Yin Bing faint and asked, Little White, if manager Lu really got back together with this Song Yuxi, you really don’t care?
桑拿论坛I didn’t expect that she would suddenly ask this question, and it was a bit stupid to force her. Is it possible for Liu Mo to like people in her life? After a while, she simply answered no
Then a worker opened the door and woke up, Mrs. Lu is ready to play.
At the beginning of the wedding, all the workers were very busy, but Lin Wanbai was indifferent. Lin Wanbai did whatever they wanted and never bothered them.
Actually, Lin Wanbai just thinks it’s socalled. She doesn’t ask for a wedding.
Because her father died and she didn’t tell a relative in her family that it was Suo Lin Wan Bai, she could walk down the soft red carpet holding her mother’s hand.
When she heard the news, Lin Wanbai refused, saying, Don’t bother to walk by myself. Anyway, there was no such thing before.
See that person who is so indifferent to himself, Mi Zhirong finally said, Wan Wan, I’m your mother. You didn’t even inform us when you got married. Now that I’m here, you even said such a thing. Do you want this mother and the Lins?
Listening to these words, her heart is more sad than not wanting the Lins. Who caused her father’s final death and Lin became a Lushi?
She should know best, even if everyone in the place today is inseparable from the accident six months ago, but if it weren’t for her, her mother and her father wouldn’t have died at that time.
There is also a share of Lin’s acquisition.
In fact, her heart is very clear
In the end, Mi Zhirong took the place of her father and held her hand. Lin Wanbai beside her could feel the bursting vanity in Mi Zhirong’s heart. She pretended to be very good and others couldn’t see it.
Holding hands with Mi Zhirong, she walked down the red carpet and glanced at Liu Mo, who was waiting for her ahead. She still had a look on her face and eyes, and her wedding March was like a funeral in her ears.
And from the moment she appeared, everyone exclaimed that the sunshine shone on Lin Wan’s white diamond, and it was amazing to mop the floor with a customized wedding dress and rose skirt.
People sitting on both sides can’t help but exclaim, God, the wedding dress is too shiny, so I’m going to get married.
It seems that manager Lu is really generous this time, and he is really willing to give up this lam down and out daughter.
Wow, I’m so envious. I didn’t expect Liu Mo to be so romantic. Why didn’t such a good thing hit me on the head?
Hearing these words, Lin Wanbai couldn’t help laughing. It seems that Liu Mo’s eyes have been reached.
Liu Mo looked at her. This wedding dress is her tailormade body. All the advantages are exposed. Sandy’s slim waist and sexy clavicle make people shine at the moment, and some people can’t move their eyes.
Liu Mo, who took Lin Wan from scratch, didn’t show anything unusual. Listening to the priest’s oath, the two of them said I would like to.
Hearing the married person say, Please invite the newlyweds to exchange rings, the groomsmen and bridesmaids on both sides handed the rings to both sides.

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