Now we are taking the road to the dream world, although the road is tortuous and full of thorns along the way. In some places, there is no road, so we need to chop our own way.

But this way, you can see the scenery that your previous generation could not see.
Become a professional team coach. Become YY characters who can look at the front of the camera, newspapers or games. Lead the professional team to win the battle in the battlefield where there is no smoke, and win the cheers of the fans with strange stars and famous coaches. When the whole stadium rings, your name will be shouted, and you will be excited and trembling. When you lead Hertha to overcome the economic crisis and finally win the championship, you will always win …
This road has only just begun, although it has encountered various difficulties, although it is always impossible to be laughed at and questioned, but it is no longer hesitant to regret it.
Because he is convinced that this road is the best way for him to walk!
Avril Lavigne was also touched when she saw Chang Sheng singing so deeply.
Although she couldn’t understand what Changsheng was singing, she thought uncle must have experienced this song, otherwise he wouldn’t be singing so emotionally with his eyes closed.
It’s not like a love song to listen to the melody so passionately …
She remembered her uncle telling her stories about his past.
Maybe it has something to do with those past experiences
A warm clap and whistle broke out in the crowd after singing a song.
Obviously, the winning performance is beyond their expectation, and their response is even more enthusiastic.
Everyone clapped and whistled, and Chang Sheng returned the guitar to the black man.
The black singer jokingly said, Hey, man, don’t sing again or I’ll lose my business!
Changsheng laughed and returned to the crowd. Let’s go.
He said to Avril Lavigne
Avril nodded. Uncle, what song are you singing?
No more hesitation, replied Chang Sheng.
No more hesitation?
Changsheng nodded. Well, don’t hesitate!
This road does not hesitate to go to the end!
Chapter 14 Playing Real Madrid Tactics
The next day Avril personally went to the airport to bid farewell to Changsheng.
If I have the conditions to open a singing session after the release of my album, I will definitely go to Spain to open one! When the time comes, you have to come and pay tribute to me.
Okay, no problem! You don’t choose a match day, of course …
Avril gave him a white look. Am I that stupid?
After bidding farewell to Avril Lavigne, Changsheng flew back to Valencia, Spain.
After a few crazy days of vacation, he completely cleared his head.
Now it’s time to think about beating Real Madrid.
Villa’s injury has not recovered yet, and he has been paying attention to Villa’s recovery from the injury.
The first thing to do when I return to Valencia is to call the team doctor.
品茶But no matter how many times he asked, the answer was I am not optimistic about Real Madrid’s comeback …
Although there is still one round before the game against Real Madrid, he also decided not to wait for Villa.
Even if Villa is physically fit to catch the game, it’s hard to say.
Just book it directly to Ibrahimovic.
Anyway, Ibrahimovic has been in good shape recently.
After the Christmas holiday, the players returned one after another, and then the team gave each player another physical test.
Most people are in good health.
Especially Ibrahimovic.
His physical condition is even better than before the holiday, which surprised the team doctors and coaches in charge of testing.
This is good news for Changsheng.
This strengthened his determination to start Ibrahimovic.
But he didn’t really tell Ibrahim this.
He has other plans.
After the holiday, the first game was the 19th round of the league. Valencia played away 22 games and shook hands with real betis.
Although there was a rotation in this game, aimar and Ibrahimovic started out.
They didn’t play many games before, but they didn’t have much physical problems. They just needed games to find their state. So this game is always winning, so let them continue to start.
And these two people didn’t live up to Chang Sheng’s expectation that they would each score a goal in the game to help the team retreat from the away game.
In particular, Ibrahimovic scored a wonderful goalhe caught Aurelio’s ball outside the restricted area and slammed the goal directly without adjustment. The football drew a less obvious arc and fell into the real betis goal to detonate the field.
Moon shouted World Wave! ! ! !”
The goal saved the embarrassment caused by the team’s fifth draw.
After the game, everyone discussed the world wave of Ibrahimovic and said that Ibrahimovic was really talented and talented …

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