Especially when he found that even if he overdrawn his spirit, he didn’t let Lu Jiuzheng bend his anger flame to replace the only rational youth, and he was crazy to exert his spirit on Lu Jiuzheng.

Until suddenly there was a sharp pain in my mind, like a cracking sound. In my mind, the young man screamed in pain and his face changed with horror.
At the moment, he has already killed Liu Jiuzheng without consideration, and the spirit overdraft is too severe, which has led to the damage of the spirit nucleus. The youth root method has to worry about whether Lu Jiuzheng is dead or alive. Once the spirit nucleus is damaged, his future will be destroyed.
桑拿按摩Let’s go!’ Tao Mo is still holding Lu Qingxue hostage. Before turning to leave, she looked at the young man holding his head and suffering. Today, she remembered this revenge!
See young people suddenly injured Chen Jia side also didn’t stop Tao Mo a line of people to leave, after all, want to find Liu Jiuzheng they have a chance in the future if Zhao young Chen Jia to dish out what accident hidden world Zhao once investigated that Chen Jia must be to blame!
After leaving the Chen family mansion, Tao Mo quickly released the spirit to relieve the pain of landing Jiuzheng being attacked by the spirit.
I’m fine. Liu Jiuzheng sank his mouth in the back seat of the car and shook Tao Mo’s hand with a big hand, but he suffered inhuman torture from body to mind. After that, Liu Jiuzheng closed his eyes again.
After more than half an hour, the car stopped at a secret stronghold on the outskirts of Chen County.
At this time, the atmosphere in the whole villa hall is particularly dignified. The frontedge players, including Lei Ming himself, do know that their spirit is terrible, but they have never really felt the power and terror.
In the face of the old man’s attack, they are as weak as a lamb, but Zhao’s youth spirit attack, even a strong man like Lu Jiuzheng, can passively bear the root resistance.
Section 26
It’s no wonder that the Chen family is so arrogant that the hidden world is really too powerful. The thunder injury caused by the sofa opening is not too heavy. He was hit by the old man’s fist to his chest, and he still felt a tightness in his chest when he spoke.
At that time, the scene still echoed clearly in his mind. The Chen family’s ancient fighters thunder still had a fighting power, but when the old man made a move, the speed was so fast that there was really a ghosting in the eyes of thunder. It was too fast and too fast to guard against it and I didn’t know what to do.
When the old man hit him in the chest with a heavy punch and fell out, Lei Ming’s only feeling was to attack himself. It’s not human. How could a human fist have that great power?
The iron fist hit lei Ming’s chest pain at that time, and he almost held his breath. It didn’t look like a fist, but like a crane swinging a big hammer to smash a house.
There are players who know the same as Lei Ming, and nature is the cutting edge. At this time, they no longer have the pride and selfconfidence of the past. There is a tremendous pressure and a crazy desire to be strong.
After what happened tonight, the Chen family won’t keep a low profile. Bi Jianyang was even more gloomy. The biggest reason why the Chen family had been camping in Zhaohai Province was that the Chen family was not strong enough, even if there was a hidden world behind them, the patron Chen family dared not be too proud.
Because once the Chen family exposes the hidden world, maybe his family will secretly come into contact with the hidden world people to replace the Chen family as the nails and eyes of the hidden family.
However, after decades of development, the Chen family’s strength has penetrated into all aspects of China. Isn’t it time for the Chen family to show its strength to the outside world this time when the Chen Sen wedding reception was so great?
At this time, the Chen family is not afraid of a family in China, and Bi Jianyang is most worried about whether the Chen family will jointly launch a coup with the Dong family. Although it is said that the Lujia family can suppress the Dong family, if the Dong family has this alliance with the Chen family,
Once the Chen family sent those Gu Wu masters or the strong spirit to assassinate all Chen Jiahe Dong Gu hostile factions, it would be unimaginable to clear up the situation. However, these ancient fighters and spiritual assassinations are impossible to prevent.
When you hear Bi Jianyang, everyone in the living room looks very dignified. Except Bi Jianyang, everyone else is a military person. Lei Ming represents the national security. They are not afraid of death and are ready to sacrifice at any time to protect China.
But the enemy is too strong to fill it, and no matter how many lives go in, it won’t help.
At this time, the bedroom
Lu Jiuzheng was lying in a big bed, from the insides to the limbs. At this time, he was still suffering from severe pain. The pain that was squeezed by great power was not completely recovered because of the nourishment of Tao Mo spirit, but the original pain was so painful that his mind would burst because of the warmth of Tao Mo spirit, which relieved a lot of pain.
Don’t worry, I can be cured in a few days. Liu Jiuzheng touched Tao Mohong’s red eyes lovingly.
Uncle, you bastard! Tao Mo choked up and hated that he couldn’t bite Liu Jiuzheng’s neck hard, but when he saw Liu Jiuzheng’s weakness at this time, Tao Mo hugged Liu Jiuzheng’s neck and curled up at his side like a wounded beast.
Lu Jiuzheng let Tao Mo watch her get hurt, but she couldn’t help, which deeply hurt her, but it was worth it to protect Tao Mo ‘an even if she suffered more pain.
The long arm stretched out in the past and took Tao Mo, the outside of the bed, into her arms. Liu Jiuzheng’s big hand caressed her head warmly, and her eyes were stained with sharp color.
Since Lu Jiuzheng entered the army as a teenager, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today. The power of the hidden world has given Lu Jiuzheng a deep sense of urgency.
He needs to rely on his own hands and strength to protect Tao Mo instead of being beaten passively to protect her from becoming stronger. It is no longer the thoughts of Cao Cao and Lei Ming in the living room, but also the most urgent thoughts of Lu Jiuzheng.
Uncle wants to hide the aristocratic men from attacking China, so we are not afraid that the experiment over there by the master has been successful. Give us another two or three years, and we can cultivate a powerful ancient warrior. Tao Mo put his ear to Liu Jiuzheng’s chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. I couldn’t help but feel that I had never felt at ease.
Compared with the spirit power, the real ancient fighters are easier to cultivate, especially the blade players, who are naturally strong and have excellent physical quality. After injecting potassium to stimulate the physical function and forming a strong nucleus in the abdomen, they are much stronger than those of the Chen family who have cultivated the ancient fighters through the rapid achievement method.
In addition to the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, the spirit is more of a congenital legacy factor, such as Chen Xu and Chen Suwen. It can be said that the cultivation of genius and the cultivation of the day after tomorrow will become a strong spirit.
Although there are some spiritual people in the Chen family, they are not afraid that their roots are not as strong as those of Zhao’s youth, but the research in all fields of spiritual strength plays a decisive and key role. It can be said that the development and progress of the whole society really depend on spiritual people.
Liu Jiuzheng is also white. At present, his only concern is whether he can have this two or three years when Tao Mo is either a spiritual person or an ancient warrior. Chen Jia already knows this.
Yao Wenfeng appeared in the Chen family, and he is bound to know that Yao Wenfeng knew that Tao Mo’s medical skill was superb and his skill was extremely strong. Although there was doubt, there was no basis. Once Yao Wenfeng knew the secret of spirit and ancient martial arts, he was bound to link everything to the surface of potassium, and he also suspected that potassium had been found by his side in advance.
Yao Wenfeng, once on guard, won’t give time for his rival faction to develop. It is more likely that he will cut the gordian knot and strangle the other party before it grows up.
Uncle Chen Jiahe Dong Gu and Yao Gu seem to be close, but they are also competing with each other. The Chen family has seized the initiative. If Dong Gu and Yao Gu want to be overwhelmed by the Chen family, they will also cultivate a large number of Gu Wu masters. Yao Wenfeng will never tell the Chen family about potassium.
Tao Mo is better at guessing and grasping human nature than Lu Jiuzheng. Some Chen families want to become the real masters of China. At present, he needs Dong Jia because he needs Dong Jia’s military strength to contain his hostile forces.

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